|| SHANIWAR SAMWAD || 09-09-2023

 We often listened about Brain Drain in many forum, it is true that we lost best of brain to west in the last many years.

The requirement of best brain to innovate and work on the innovation was not in the to do list of regime at that time.

If we see the list of lost people to west is very long with some even got highest recognition for their meritorious work.

We never thought about changing the education to develop the eco system for innovation but to get job for livelihood. The Britisher's gave us third grade education system which is good for dumb people like them who do not know how to live the full life.

Basically they have lived life of looters till recently and destroying the everything they wanted.

When we did our second atomic explosion in 1998, that time west  banned our scientist who are still Gems in their respective fields, in which west do not have upper hand or expertise.

The attitude of west is such that they want to control our system. At that time we tried to give returning scientist a platform, which was not that much success.

Last nine years we are trying to imbibe the culture of innovation in young minds which is giving us confidence and also the required understanding  for creating eco system.

Now, we see many NRI's are coming back to our country with expertise in their respective field which is going to create more knowhow of that particular field.

They are coming with wealth of knowledge and expertise which is treasure to us. Now when whole  world is facing multiple problems and they are unable to solve these their own.

We are moving ahead with ready solutions to ourselves and world which is  cost effective and reliable with no specific conditions on them  which is detrimental to their interest.

In coming days we will see the Brain Gain due to above said reasons which is vital ingredient for them.

Examples are many in which we have shown our capabilities to world with eco system development.


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