|| SHANIWAR SAMWAD || 05-08-2023

 PLI scheme started delivering the result though it is very early but it is showing way forward to us ,yes their is some issues in implementation but it can be resolved as it is procedural issue for claiming incentive for export with items to be exported specially in AUTO sector PLI.

The communication sector i.e. mobile manufacturing is steadily increasing with eco system of components are also coming now, the pace is slow but it is following the mother unit.

The numbers of component makers are coming and their investment is going to generating thousands of jobs formally, which will aid for informal jobs.

The government is trying to bring same scheme for different sectors with in consultation of stake holders. Just few days back government banned the import of ICT goods i.e. laptops, monitors and all in one computers, as PLI for the sector was changed as per demand of stakeholders.

The component makers are demanding the permission for Chinese national to be allowed to work in our country to give support to local industry but the government insisting on joint venture with local business houses.

The mid way will be reached with these players but they do not have any option but to accept and start the ICT products in our country and export it to world. We know that Tesla is trying hard to get concession for its investment but they are told to follow the same path as other are using. With rider to purchase component worth $500M from INDIAN suppliers.  

The semiconductor sector is moving in right  direction with intent and agreement is being signed with different state government.

If we see the present situation of economy the growth is new normal with all indicators are moving their highest peak rather they are competing with each to cross one another.

It is true that TIME BELONG TO US means our BHARAT.


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