|| SHANIWAR SAMWAD || 03-06-2023

 9 years have been passed, the present regime in center is working in right direction.

The analysis is and will go on, which is not topic of our samwad.

These  nine years we have used to clean the system along with collecting real data of our citizens, the collected data is collated for future planning.

The impact of the exercise is huge as real time data is authentic and given by end user himself.

For example, if someone want to take insurance for two wheeler either comprehensive or third party, one has to complete KYC so to get insurance. It is retail side which is giving data and it is used to check plans for citizens by authority and financial institutions.

The corporate has to give complete data of all its activity to get benefits and avoid unnecessary harassments by authority and financial institutions.

Corporates used to give different data to authority and financial institutions to get undue favors. Now, data is being shared amongst authority and financial institutions and it gets collated, if any discrepancies in the data or declaration is being alerted immediately.

Earlier, due to this planning of the government is more on assumptions than actual figures.

Planning needs data and this is the base for forecast of any schemes, as data was not available.

As technologies being deployed by these institutes, the real data is captured and analyzed. 

It is major changes with high impact on life of netizens  which is changing the mindset to comply with compliances and leave worry free life.

For, the government all benefits are being calculated and distributed without leakage.

Once the process of cleaning will complete, the impact and mindset of authority and end user will be on same platform.


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