|| SHANIWAR SAMWAD ||14-01-2023

 The new party is still going on in the market with a new announcement with robust economic indicators. The indicators are showing an upswing 

We are going to discuss a new initiative in the agriculture sector by the government. Blockchain technology is going to be used along with an enhanced emphasis on organic farming.

The eastern part of our country leading in organic farming, and the cost of organic farming is less in comparison to non-organic.

The need for Agri reform is a priority as the sector is the highest job generator in rural areas, and the risk in the sector is very high as it totally depends on nature.

The blockchain will be a mechanism that will monitor the whole process from cultivation to harvesting to marketing and exports also. The recent time is good for farmers as they are getting good and sometimes best price for their produce due to global conditions But the fair price is realized by them with real-time payment from the government after its procurement

The sector needs multiple doses of reforms as our country has different zones of weather with a diverse set of farming patterns and produce.

The process of setting the index for the sector is underway by NITI Aayog for achieving the goals set in the sector, which include policy reforms

The sector needs a mindset change as farmers got rude treatment in the past which made them hard to change, as the system exploited them with a handful of people getting maximum benefit.

The second income is a dire need for making a decent lifestyle for farmers which is now tracked at the central level.

Things that are planned and implemented must reach and create confidence of stakeholders as it is for them only.


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