|| SHANIWAR SAMWAD || 22-10-2022

 Best wishes for "DIWALI". It is the first Diwali post-pandemic that is free from all issues. The annual sales which are based on the present sales figures festival season and projections for next year are dependent on it.

The season has other reasons to make things exciting the report in various forums during the same period is also in the public domain.

The one of most controversial is the hunger index on which lots of things have been said either in support or opposed to it.

Another one is about the pensioner index which is an important one.

We are going to see what the hunger index says in the context of our country. The report is based on the gallop report which is known for its business-related research papers.

The comprehensive analysis is done by Dr. Vivek Debroy, the chairman of PM EAC, which gives details of the report rejection.

One thing, which was raised by analysis is that we have our statics department which works in old fashioned and our reports on different surveys,  released in the almost same time.

The Aadhar-based system which we are using for the last eight years can be used for surveys and their analysis. 

It is true that the center and state governments from time to time do different surveys. They are done for different purposes and in different regions.

Right now, the decadal census is pending, this time it will be done using the tab and different questions will be asked. The cast-based census is demanded by some political parties.

Usually, our census and surveys take time, and their data after analysis is released after a long time which causes the whole exercise futile.

Similarly, our three departments, Census, Population, and Statics have not worked in sync.

It is time to use different surveys with the latest technology which will use Aadhar as its base for its authenticity and a real picture will emerge.

The Statics and Planning department should be reformed to get things done on a war footing and deliver the result in the shortest possible time.

The different indexes which are showing different surveys report tobe used for course correction.


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