|| SHANIWAR SAMWAD || 20-08-2022

 Just a few days back we celebrated our 76th Independence Day i.e. Amrut Mahotsav of our Azadi.

Now, we are entering into Amrut Kal which will last for the next 25 years, the challenges and opportunities in the coming years outweigh in favor of opportunities.

We as a country, are a late starter in each aspect be it physical infrastructures like roads, airports, railways and other social infrastructures like schools and hospitals, etc.

We opened up to the world after a long stint of socialism which miserably failed to achieve any good result other than favoritism.

The net outcome of the socialist era was corruption and nepotism.

In the opening up of the system to the world, we have gone through lots of changes in terms of execution and transparency.

Earlier we used to work in an opaque system, now the rules are clear with the burden of compliance is either reduced or altogether scrapped as per the need of the hour.

As said earlier, we are a late starter, and achieving our target is very challenging due to wasted interest in society which is a legacy of the past.

But this is also a boon for us as we are progressing in life, we are seeing that the western world is in standstill mode as they do not have room to change, but ours is not the issue as we have no or are under execution phase.

The present regime is a listener which gives trust that the right things will be heard and will get accommodated in execution.

The opportunity with responsibility for the environment is very clear to all, this year monsoon is very erratic the world over, and getting all stakeholders in place is now easy due to sudden spikes in temperature and less rainwater for drinking and agriculture, which will create a situation where we will see starvation, the geopolitics is already causing the starvation in poor countries due to short supply of commodities.

We are still in the drawing board stage for the majority of our projects as many constraints are causing delays in the execution of the same. But these disgusting things have come to help us to save the environment with new planning.

Here, what is needed for the hour is changing our own mindset for changes which is coming our way. The process of mindset change started when we demonetized our currencies in 2016. The overall thinking on the ground at that time was things will change and we have to adapt to reality and move ahead with time.

The changes in the general public or system are visible and now getting changes in systems or compliance is not making any headlines, instead only the outcome of this is discussed or viewed for the good or bad results.

The new economic architecture in which digital payment is the main pillar is going to increase transparency.

This transparency is adopted by each one and going forward it will give the real picture of wealth as well as earnings of each one, which will become a basis of benefit transfer to needy ones in the society.

Challenges give us the opportunity for further development of solutions that lifts our life.

The moment is for us which we need to grab for self-benefit, rather self-benefit is for larger use to the society.

(The micro and macro data along with PMI showing up trends in the economy. The recent announcement about inflation by RBI is indicative of  pause in a rate hike by it in near future.)


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