|| SHANIWAR SAMWAD || 2-07-2022

 It is true that our armed forces need reforms from arms and misc procurement to human resources management.

The arms procurement in any of the three forces is tedious with interference from wasted interest is well known. We have not allowed lobbying as a consultancy for an arms manufacturer.

The reforms started with arms manufacturing and reorganization of DRDO with seven distinct units or lines of business. The reform in DRDO is making our manufacturing for forces as per demand and time-bound manner.

The hurdles in the private sector investment for defense sectors have been addressed and as per demand from the industry it is looked upon and course corrections are done in the past with the hope the same will be done in the future.

Getting lobbying for a particular arms manufacturer, either domestic or foreign, should be recognized and legal. Going forward we will use it for our own export market in future.

Keeping demands from forces pending is not going to benefit us and we will suffer in the time of need.

When we got independence, the government gave us the impression that what we need government is going to fulfill the same.

So, we are habitual that the government job is best as there is no responsibility but maximum facility and power.

This is true in every wake of government services. It is considered as once you entered into services you will be there till your retirement with pension followed.

Just now, the Agniveer scheme is launched with riots in many parts of the country.

It is very true that working in forces is the pride for each of us, but changes are inevitable one cannot escape this.

Today's war is not the same as that of yesteryear, but technology is playing a vital part and young and energetic youth are more capable of the same than men in uniform with an age bracket of 40-50 years.

Also, getting we are paying more in pensions and other facilities to pensioners than giving modern ammunition to forces as we do not have enough money for the same.

It is true for other sectors like railways which operate with more than the operating ratio of 93%, which leaves a very small sum for futuristic development and safety of passengers.

The scheme will give disciplined men at the age of 25 to 26 years which is adaptable age for all.

As 75% of men will get skilled for the industry means employable men readily available in continuity.

Right now, when a soldier retires from service he already completed more than 15-20 years of a particular job, so it is difficult for him to adjust with civil society.

Also, the skill requirements are not up to date and not useful for the industry.

We have to give time for the scheme to succeed and also do the course correction as per needed.


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