|| SHANIWAR SAMWAD || 9-04-2022

 We are going through an interesting phase.

There is a finalization of the mode of payment between our Government and Russia.. Both central Banks of the country are working for it with the help of MEA and the Commerce ministry.

We will get the much-needed discount on crude which will be available to us by month-end, the banks of both countries are getting prepared for smooth payment either in Euro or local currency, we will get to know this in a short time. The overall situation in the world is centering around our country which we see in the visit of the foreign delegations coming to our country and asking us for at least our view.

The strength of our economy along with its size and resilience is also visible in the crisis that the world is facing due to pandemics.

The gone year saw two lockdowns in a short span of time but we came out without disruption as the world is going through, be the unrest of the masses or any other form of disruption getting the economy unaffected or less affected and getting normalization of life is very difficult which we as the country achieved the fate with flying colors, though there is pain point which needs priority attention, getting its attention now as all restrictions have been lifted.

If we see the last year, we can say that as citizens, lots of things have changed for us and by us.

The numbers are telling the story very loudly like the GST collection is around 1L Cr. for the whole year, followed by increased Income tax and other receipts for the government.

This year we will see that farmers across the country will payment in account for the produce which is covered in MSP, this will be the third instance for the farmers of PUNJAB & HARYANA while rest will be getting the second time.

The upbeat mood of the country which is reflected by all segments or wake of life is strongly visible. Business and non-business persons are preparing for a normal life.

The outcome of all initiatives taken by all the governments be state or national or will be taken have a base for action or course correction is ready to adopt and get the desired result.

There is comfort for the government that they have money and the confidence of citizens with them.

The new financial year which is just one day ahead of NEW SAMVATSAR will give final direction.

Let's wait and enjoy the fruit of our patience for last not only two years but eight years for which we changed the regime in 2014.


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