||SHANIWAR SAMWAD || 5-2-2022

 As discussed earlier budget sessions have already underway, key figures on the economy have been presented by the economic survey and budget itself.

We will see these, but prior to these, we would see some interesting facts about the economy. The total borrowing for the current financial year is half of the budget estimate.

It shows two things, first the borrowing cost of the government will reduce going forward, as the government will borrow less with options to get cheaper funds.

Second, the tax collection is increasing which is creating the situation where the government borrowing need is getting reduced.

As we said above the cost of funds for the government borrowing will be less as the supply of cheap money will be available in plenty for all including the government.

Moreover, the government is trying to get money from small savings funds, in bulk to get its funding need from the scattered and diverse public.

If the government succeeds in these, it will be a win-win situation for all. As overall borrowing cost will be less and the general public will get assured returns from the government with payment on due time

It also shows the upswing in the economy and the upbeat mood in general. The growth in the economy projected by the government for the next financial year is 8.5% which is less than the projection of IMF which is 9.5%.

The PLI scheme for different sectors is showing the result, with increased production domestically and export earning for corporates.

The total export of services and goods going to be $650B, till date the real figure is somewhat nearing the final figures.

Here, one thing is clear we are on track for self-sufficiency as well as export of our goods and services

We see the reforms are continued for the whole year with modifications as per need.

                                                                                                TO BE CONTINUED..............


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