|| SHANIWAR SAMWAD|| 20-11-2021

 A few days back  PM Modi announced the second edition Cleanliness drive. The first campaign was announced some six years back. The difference between then and today is not that much visible, but the mindset for the same is changing in common people.

The common man is changing his own habit, it is a slow and gradual process. In some places, it is adopted and implemented by citizens themselves and gives a supporting hand to the local authority.

There is widespread awareness among the locals. But the quantum of garbage is so huge that the effort to collect it is still not adequate.

The basic infrastructure needed is still not there in some cases. 

But as said earlier now waste is not thrown that much on road. Other types of waste necessarily solid waste is present in the road like sewage water etc is there.

But cleanliness drive is  in terms of  annual competition amongst the cities creating a much-needed spirit

There are several challenges in the implementation. 

Also, we have an issue with segregating the vegetable waste  & other waste. The household still mixes them to ease their own work. It causes the solid dry waste to mix with vegetable and food items.

We have a policy for medical waste disposal, as there are guidelines for it, but the household is still doing their usual practice.

The situation is getting worst as disposal of this waste is not there. It has major environmental problems like continuous fire, water contamination, soil toxication, and others.  Wildlife getting affected by it so human life.

As collateral damage is more than what we think. The second edition of the mission state that the huge or mountains of garbage will be reduced. In some countries, the power is generated by it.

The economic cost of this is so huge that it is a bigger problem than we think.

The life cycle of garbage is so long that it creates more problems than use.

The municipal authority of a particular city collects the waste and it is sent to a powerhouse to burn it for power generation, citizen pays for it in the way of collection charges, in return, they get power for common use like street lights, sewerage treatment plant, etc. for free.

It not only saves fossil fuels but also pollution is controlled it  Going forward the charging station can be run with this arrangement for electric vehicles.

It will be a win-win situation if financial calculation is done in cooperative mode The collection charges will go to the municipal authority, which will be responsible for generating the power and distribution for public goods and charging stations for electric vehicles.

The overall cost for this will be less than the present cost of power supply which we are purchasing presently plus clean surrounding and environment.

Another issue is sewage water as it pollutes river water and seawater. The loss is due to this on flora fauna.

If the contaminated water is treated and then used for use like the boiler in the power plant or cement industry, which will reduce contamination and also reduce groundwater use. If chemical mixed in the water is eliminated will reduce the damage caused by it.

The chemicals in water can be used for other processes. The cost of separating the chemical and its process is not yet known.

But going forward we will see the heap of garbage will reduce first then will get eliminated from its present.

Just concluded summit on the environment must include this issue so the environmental degradation can be arrested.


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