||SHANIWAR SAMWAD || 9-10-2021

 Lots of economical activity is going around us at a pace which we are now becoming used to. Just some time back we wrote the effect of the complete financial year which we will witness. 

Now we have come to halfway mark of the current financial year, if we see the market both financial as well as non-financial, there is a or lots of things are happening as per their plan or making them respond as per the new situation.

As per media reports the quantum of money raised, of tobe raised in the present quarter will be more than the amount raised in last financial years. The amount taken by businesses in the form of credit from financial institutions is more than the amount raised last year.

The numbers for different segments are increasing. The total impact of the make in India initiative and PLI is showing its utility. 

The greenfield and brownfield expansion by companies are increasing, showing the confidence of the economy or its resilience.

This time we are witnessing a major shift in an economic activity like export, reality, private investment, and government investment in infrastructure.

If we see the government spending on infrastructure and asset monetization for further spending on new assets is increasing year on year.

Road and railway infrastructure building its all-time high with the robust pipeline. In railway not only gauge conversion is done along with it the doubling with electrification is also done.

In road, national highways and expressways are constructed with record speed maintaining quality.

Now, after all, the ups and downs industry started to utilize its maximum capacity, which is triggering its Capex planning and execution.

The PLI scheme is a major factor, and also the supply disruption caused by China is making all to restrategize the future plan.

The export for last quarter is all-time high crossing the $100B. Which is driving FDI towards us. The new geographies are added at the same time.

The real estate sector, which was not doing well all this period, started its show in the pandemic and inventories are low across the major market along with new launches or redevelopment of the old area on a priority basis with modern facilities.

The travel index is equal to provide time, which means the movement of people has started for both leisure travel and business.

E-way bills generated have already surpassed the provided level.

The transparency which is increasing day by day is giving confidence to all including global investors and customers across the globe.


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