Recently Union Government has cleared much-needed legislation on rented property.

Until now each and every government in the state have enacted its own laws. Mostly a replica of the Bombay rent control act 1948.

In the present law, the law is favorour of tenants.

The property owner is a capitalist, and he deserves to be punished for holding physical wealth. It's the main motive behind the law.

The enforcement of the law is very poor. As it is treated as a normal civil suit. In our country civil suit is considered and treated on a very nonpriority basis.

The suit takes time in tens of years. The cost of arbitration is very high and if anybody wants to register the rent agreement is costly. It is not feasible.

All in all the law is not in favor of society. It is favorable to those who want to mischievous behavior.

Capping on rent enhancement and collection of rent is also cumbersome.

Now new model act is cleared. It is solving the major issue of registration of contract or rent agreement.

The time for contract registration and separate authority for it is very good.

The tribunal for arbitration with 60 days time limit to conclude the process is a progressive step.

The upper limit of yearly enhancement of rent is fair enough which takes care of both sides.

The whole process is time-bound.Which means precious resources are conserved.

Now, we have gone through the fate two-act which is state subject as per our Constitution

1. Shop Act

2. Rera Act

The state governments have added or deleted provisions as per their whim and fancy in Rera Act. The time to enact the law was more than desired.

The Shop Act still has to see the light of day.

It is changed as per the present situation not as per the model act.

In both, the rent control act as well as shop act is harassment of general public in general and gives law enforcement agencies power to twist arms.

Let's hope both laws will see the day of light very soon with original spirit.


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