Just a few days back financial year 2020-21, ended with all positive notes.

If we see the last FY then we realize that though the year was started with a pandemic, uncertainty, and other issues including legacy, the challenges were enormous.

But in the end, we saw all positive with renewed zeal to excel.

Now if we see a few key indicators then we understand the overall picture.

WPI & CPI  were under control for the majority of the time. (comfort zone of RBI)

E-way generated in record numbers

GST collection 

PMI INDEX for the whole unlocked period was more than 52.

Government borrowing as per their plan no overshoot.

Infrastructure particularly railways had done a good job, like new line addition, doubling, gauge conversion, and electrification of the line.

Road and ports are over and above mandate.

Though there are challenges that remain in the economic roadmap for the future are there.

Today if we see them in totality our economy will not only perform very well but will support global trade too.

A middle and lower-income groups that they are spared with interest cut of different instruments which is guaranteed by GoI.

Means they will get the same return as they were getting last year.

As said earlier in our Vlog and Blog of ours, this new financial year will be very special as this year we will see the different cycles of expenditure around the year.

GoI has started their expenses with all their schedules.

Already budget process had been passed and money has been given to different ministries.

Just see the reaction of ordinary entrepreneurs in the market they are bullish as they know that the market has potential as there are customers for different services and goods.

The Pandemic has already changed the thinking of everyone. So the aspirations.

If we see the statement of both big enterprises and ministers we are moving into a long-term golden period of the economic life of the country.

Offline or online both are going to stay for the larger good in our life.

In the end, we want to say: 

let's begin the most memorable journey


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