Rather my Contribution to Atmanirbhar Bharat.

Right now we are listening to this nation or chorus on Atmanirbhar Bharat.

But Bharat will be Atmanirbhar when each & everyone will be self-dependent or will have financial freedom.

Getting freedom from worry, is it possible???

Yes, it is, we have to check our balance sheet. How much liability we have taken on our self.
How many assets do we have & cash flow to manage both?

If we check all these in minutely, we will know our mismatch is manageable.

In general, many liabilities can be avoided or differ as per our requirements. Also, a lot of assets that have been created are also to be trimmed for matching both sides of the Balance Sheet.

If we check our daily expenses & cut them by 1/10th  it will resolve many issues which we are facing.
To become Atmanirbhar we have to look for contingency.

If anything happens we change our track to avoid or face a real-time issue that is in front of us. Getting our contingency amount in liquid form is going to solve the immediate crisis.
Going to the planning stage again is a good move.

Changing track from wealth creation to stopping wealth creation is not a solution, rather plan it again.

Getting a vetted or verified balance sheet or portfolio gives you an idea.

Re-balancing & course correction will make you " ATMANIRBHAR"

Be vigilant in your finances for a better life.  "ATMANIRBHAR"


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