New India Needs Reforms

When govt. declared 20L package it signaled a lot of reforms with it.

Now India needs reforms that should be definitive for implementation.

In labor laws, central & state govt. have their own laws & their complicated compliance.
Now three states have changed laws, few of them need the President nod.

Instead of this  "ONE INDIA, ONE LABOR LAW" is needed. So compliance will be easy.

Labor laws for white-collar & blue-collar jobs should be clear.

There should not be a loop whole top give bureaucracy & courts to change its meaning as per their whim & fancy.

Bombay shop act 1948 had been repealed in 2018 with the model shop act 2018.
It is not functional yet except Maharashtra no other states have implemented it on paper. Actual execution is a distant dream rather daydream.

APMC act had been changed by the center with Model APMC act to increasing  competition &  good price realization of produce to farmers
Yet to be passed by state govt. Implementation is not even in thought.

E-NAM will be successful if the APMC act & contract farming to be given due importance.
It's good that 1000+ Mandis are added to it. But functioning is not as per govt. thinking. The same old way of working.
Local babu & Mandi operators are working as per their old ways.

We have lots of laws that are good but not implemented or half-implemented.

They should be checked & implemented on a war footing, modified as per the need of today & future requirements.
Judiciary is the most draconian part of our system. Laws & sub-laws make life hail for every single citizen.

Contract enforcement with the present system is a nightmare for everybody.

Govt. is making efforts to make  INDIA  an ARBITRATION HUB. But with a maze of laws & sub-laws. It is not possible to enforce the contract and its ruling.

Our system wants the upper hand over each & everything. Instead of making life & compliance easy, they make it cumbersome.

Right now we are facing coronavirus glitches. As the system is making it more complicated. The system is always confused with its laws & their interpretation.
It is very hard to understand how a system plan and when anything implements it has lots of problems plus biases.

 We think Indian business to flourish, need is less compliance or self-declaration regime.
The major issue with the system & business community is trust. Everybody has their own reason. But the system has to take lead in it restoring trust with the business community to get more results.

All reforms should be complete in themselves. Only reforms which are seasons talking point have been discussed but lot of reforms needs priority attention. Also, we have to be generous in attracting FDI for our own prosperity with minimum intervention of Govt and courts.


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