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As we discussed last week about what GOI thinking about consumer or market sentiments where they are comfortable.

Our purchasing power has not been diminished, now only decision being deferred for some time. Front end or supply side, GOI has given is choice to turn crises into opportunities in the short to long term
Major bottlenecks have been addressed.

As an animal spirit in major reforms is needed and GOI is responding to it very swiftly.

Labor reforms have been initialized which are in demand for a long time.

It will create a win-win situation for both employer and employee.

The not only cost of compliance will be reduced but also labor contractors will not play a major role.

Now labor will get the full benefit of all policies in force from authority as well as employers.

Employer will get the trust of employee & employee will get timely & complete payment.

MNREGA will create assets in the rural belt so the migrating labor will get jobs for time being. Already working SOP of MNREGA had been changed.

Farm producers who are dependent on APMC will now be able to sell their produce outside the APMC area means again agents will get eliminated.

E-NAM has more than 1000+ e-mandi means more no. of buyers & market for producers.

After the APMC act was changed by the central Govt. the state have to follow suit.

Contract forming will be now a good business opportunity as contract farmers will get cheap funds from intuition without ownership change.

Also, a producer will know the price of produce before harvesting after the contract with the purchaser.

This means now farmers have more choices in terms of produce & its price realization. The only concern in loss is due to unfavorable weather. But going forward it will get resolved.

Agri processing unit will give farmer to become farm pruner.

It's a new avenue to all in a rural area.

Only the above two reforms will create a lot of opportunities going forward.

Other reforms which are declared will stimulate the market.

Rental housing for migrant labor will give not only good or better living but also new recurring income for many people.

Now all reforms should be done on a war footing by govt.

It will create a conclusive atmosphere for business

In our opinion Govt. should reduce compliance costs for MSME, as they do not have in-depth knowledge & resources for proper compliance. But perfect in business they are doing.

 Also, inspectors should be discouraged from visiting any business premises. It only creates disharmony between Govt. & Entrepreneur. Govt has to recognize the honesty and integrity of entering pruner.

Right now the market is confused with job loss & migration of labor.

But as we said in the first part market will get discussion in 25 to 45 days. As MSME will get funding &
order going forward as well as employee confidence.


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