Back-end Loading- As we discussed last week about what GOI thinking about consumer or market sentiments where they are comfortable. Our purchasing power has not been diminished, now only decision being deferred for some time. Front end or supply side, GOI has given is choice to turn crises into opportunities in the short to long term Major bottlenecks have been addressed. As an animal spirit in major reforms is needed and GOI is responding to it very swiftly. Labor reforms have been initialized which are in demand for a long time. It will create a win-win situation for both employer and employee. The not only cost of compliance will be reduced but also labor contractors will not play a major role. Now labor will get the full benefit of all policies in force from authority as well as employers. Employer will get the trust of employee & employee will get timely & complete payment. MNREGA will create assets in the rural belt so the migrating labor will get jobs f...