
Showing posts from May, 2021


The fluid situation is giving a golden opportunity to discuss and review our action or execution. The major blow to society, many of our near dear lost their lives, which is not just limited to loss of bread earner. In many cases, both parents are no more. Recently it is published in leading daily that GoI is releasing the SOP for the adoption process as it will be less cumbersome than the existing one. This is of very high priority as many kids have lost their parents. They need new parents for their future. It is needed one along with some regular income for those who lost bread earner of the family. It is for those who have lost their near and dear ones. But what's for us to rethink the strategy hare, as the continued lockdown has created a situation where everyone is getting a blow in the earnings. What if the present condition prevails for a long time. Definitely, we will come to survival mode Already lot many have started thinking or started to look for alternatives for surv...

Pandemic ::Chaos

 The situation right now is calm, but a few days back there was Chaos in the whole country. First, no one was ready to take the vaccine, as the misinformation about it was so solid, that the total plan was a miss. The first batch was for all Corona warriors, but that too was not completed due to the negligence of beneficiaries. Then two plan for different age group has also missed the target. Health guidelines were given a miss by a large audience. When the new wave came all of us were unprepared for it, then the blame game started. Who did what and who didn't add by sensational media reporting. Also, there had been lapses by authority too. Then breaking news and headline-grabbing decisions and observations by Hounarable Courts in our country made condition completely massed up. Other culprits are also there like hoarding of essential drugs, oxygen, concentrators whose actions played a significant role. But this time mass migration was not there. The only positive thing is lockdown...


 Pandemic has broken all our myths. Now how to do it and what to do is a major question. When we talked about the contingency plan earlier, we had calculated that just health, earning loss for two years, and so on... But two waves of Corona followed by full lockdown have shaken each and every one. As after unlocking it took four to five months to normalize the situation. Once everything was looking normal another wave of Corona came and everything got standstill. The current wave with lockdown is creating more issues than we imagined earlier. As nobody knows the treatment of the disease, the situation has been worst. Now what to do, if a similar situation comes in the future. As per our plan we had calculated the sum of the amount to be required for contingency. All the lifestyle expenses including essential expenses have been taken. As our healthcare costs with inflation have been well thought of, the cost today is nothing but loot by any standard. Here our problem is that we don'...

Financial Planning Revisited

 Today's condition is very complex as whatever things are happening in the country is very tragic. Anyone getting a chance to loot is utilizing the situation for benefit of his own. But the average person who has only meaningful earning is not in a position to hold on as things are out of reach for him. If we look at the current situation, whosoever has been hospitalized is getting a major shock. As there is no absolute control on the tendency of people to exploit the common man. It is an Indian situation, in this, we are a totally integrated country. Here is what is wrong in our planning, which is making us so poor in the current situation. Normally we do the planning by considering all inflation like consumer price, medical, education, and so on ... But nature is so strong that we haven't imagined today prevalent situation. Due to two consecutive lockdowns, we have already been under stress(financially). Many have lost jobs and someone is not getting full salary. In the first...

लगे रहो

 सर्वे एक बार की बात है, देवताओं के राजा इंद्र ने कृषकों से किसी कारण से नाराज होकर बारह वर्षों तक बारिश न करने का निर्णय लेकर किसानों से कहा-" अब आप लोग बारह वर्षों तक फसल नही ले सकेंगे।"    सारे कृषकों ने चिंतातुर होकर एक साथ इंद्रदेव से वर्षा करवाने प्रार्थना की । इंद्र ने कहा -" यदि भगवान शंकर अपना डमरू बजा देंगे तो वर्षा हो सकती है।" इंद्र ने किसानों को ये उपाय तो बताया लेकिन साथ में गुप्तवार्ता कर भगवान शिव से ये आग्रह कर दिया कि आप किसानों से सहमत न होना।       जब किसान भगवान शंकर के पास पहुँचे तो भगवान ने उन्हें कहा -" डमरू तो बारह वर्ष बाद ही बजेगा।"  किसानों ने निराश होकर बारह वर्षों तक खेती न करने का निर्णय लिया।   उनमें से एक किसान था जिसने खेत में अपना काम करना नहीं छोड़ा। वो नियमति रूप से खेत जोतना, निंदाई, गुड़ाई, बीज बोने का काम कर रहा था। ये माजरा देख कर गाँव के किसान उसका मज़ाक उड़ाने लगे। कुछ वर्षों बाद गाँव वाले इस परिश्रमी किसान से पूछने लगे -" जब आपको पता है कि बारह वर्षों तक वर्षा नही होने वाली तो अपना समय और ऊर...