Fund Raising
Nowadays whichever business paper we see, one thing is common a full or half-page ad with details of an IPO. A few had already raised funds in 2021 and many are lined up for the same. Here one thing is common that each IPO is fully subscribed fully or more. Though the new version of covid 19 is growing in many parts of the country. Few have seen lockdown either partial or full depending upon the situation there. Also, petro prices and WPI so CPI is in the upper band. Both are contrast but it is true that economy and business confidence is increasing day by day. All new sets of policies are being adopted by companies, to do business. Here we have to see that our present condition is a mix of both excitement and dullness. But if we talk to people they are more confident that we will thrive out of it in near future. If we check the no. of enterprises be it MSME or large investment is as per plan. No one is thinking to stop the plan from execution. A few days back in our blog we had ...