A few years back financial experts use to say even if there is no government India will still grow That time we had multiple issues in governance. Policy paralysis and political instability were major concerns. Now in the last six years, we have seen governance issues get sidelined but there are policy decisions that getting executed. There is still a lot going on in the market, but one change we noticed but yet to see the changes in the ground. The decision to take budget making and getting it cleared by parliament by the end of March of every year. More precisely by 31st March every year. Up to 2018, we had a similar process, but the time to complete the whole thing used to take the end of April every year. This means we had only six months to complete the project for a whole year. Let's understand the budget process, pre-budget consultation, budget making, and presentation. After this budget is discussed in parliament along with the standing committee of each ministry. Th...